ever tried timeline therapy?
Let me guess! You set tons of goals for yourself, get motivated, then something comes up and your goals and dreams get pushed to the back burner. You keep seeing others achieving the things you want to achieve, but inside you know you have what it takes. But there's something missing... What is it holding you back?

Maybe your vision isn't clear enough. If you don't have clarity, you won't know where to start. If you don't have a goal, you definitely won't be able to start in the first place. That's essentially the same thing as getting in a car to drive somewhere, but you don't know where you're going or how to get there. So you sit in your car and stare at the steering wheel. We laugh at this analogy, yet we do it in our lives every single day. 

So now you must be thinking one of the following things, "Well I do have goals, but I never seem to hit them or I'm constantly adjusting my goals because I start and stop so many things." Take it from me, setting a SMART Goal, paired with a specific guided meditation just might be exactly what you need to not only believe in yourself, but to take the first step as well.
Let me guess! You set tons of goals for yourself, get motivated, then something comes up and your goals and dreams get pushed to the back burner. You keep seeing others achieving the things you want to achieve, but inside you know you have what it takes. But there's something missing... What is it holding you back?

Maybe your vision isn't clear enough. If you don't have clarity, you won't know where to start. If you don't have a goal, you definitely won't be able to start in the first place. That's essentially the same thing as getting in a car to drive somewhere, but you don't know where you're going or how to get there. So you sit in your car and stare at the steering wheel. We laugh at this analogy, yet we do it in our lives every single day. 

So now you must be thinking one of the following things, "Well I do have goals, but I never seem to hit them or I'm constantly adjusting my goals because I start and stop so many things." Take it from me, setting a SMART Goal, paired with a specific guided meditation just might be exactly what you need to not only believe in yourself, but to take the first step as well.
imagine living the life you want
Visualization is a huge part of any sport as well as living the life you want. When you meditate, set intentions, and put your focus on what you want, you unconsciously start to take actions that get you there.
Tips For Your Timeline
If you're reading this, awesome! You know you're destined for greatness, but you're not quite sure what you want or the exact steps to take to get there. You know what you DON'T want, but you need to put our energy and focus on your specific goals.

With my help, when you reverse engineer a goal, you actually discover every single action you need to take to get there. You'll have clarity and a clear vision of how to get started. 
what is timeline therapy®?
You will work with your unconscious mind to reprogram certain responses and behaviors that are deeply engrained in past memories. Your belief system has been created based on past experiences and that system shapes your perspective. 
You will be able to visualize your life's events in a mental photo album. You will create new affirmations, move past restrictions in your life and disconnect from negative emotions tied to specific memories.
The goal is for you to free yourself from your previous belief system which has kept you stuck to be able to propel yourself into a richer, brighter, more intentional and fulfilling life.
a totally free way for manifesting the life you want
What are you waiting for!? This is your cheatsheet to a streamlined, purposeful life with balance for mental, emotional, and physical fitness. Let me walk you through the steps and questions you need to ask yourself to create actions for you to execute. Don't worry, I've got you! 
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